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A thesis on Principle of Parsimony, in the original unstitched gatherings
Rare edition of an influential attack on traditional medicine
Thesis on dowsing, defended at the University of Copenhagen, 1740
47 Amsterdam broadsides relating to maritime transport
Limited edition of Goethe's West-Östlicher Divan, edited by Katharina Mommsen
A thorough treatise on the occult sciences
Bovio's polemic works defending Paracelsian medicine
Paracelsian versus Galenic medicine
A German translation of Barberi’s investigation into Alessandro di Cagliostro
The Dutch in Brazil, New York, Nova Zembla, and Africa
A tract volume of 22 documents relating to Dutch railways
Biblical botany, 1584
The life and mysteries of Count Alessandro di Cagliostro (1743–1795)
Second edition of a foundational work of forensic medicine
A popular introduction to male physiognomy, with 32 hand-coloured plates
The first book to feature Burmese type
A rare collection of 18th-century medical cases
First edition of a thorough treatise on the use of opium
The British Workman, 1855-1864, illustrated by George Cruikshank and others
Groundbreaking work on crime and policing in London
Newtonian physics explained to the Dutch, with portrait, map and 34 plates
Essay on the Dendera zodiac, Egypt, now in the Louvre
A disciple of Mesmer vigorously defending mesmerism
Fishery legislation for Zeeland. Rare broadside
Coats-of-arms of monarchs, noblemen and clergy, 70 plates
Cuthbertson's improved vacuum pump, with 2 plates
Agostino Scilla's acclaimed work on marine fossils, complete with 31 plates
First edition of a rare Dutch algebra textbook, with a frontispiece portrait
3rd copy located of Antwerp medical textbook, with treatise on syphilis, 1726
The Marriage Progress of Marie Antoinette, one of only 25 copies printed
An account of croup, lovely unopened copy, 1808
Four medical works by Jean Varandal in one volume, from the library of Bob Luza
1842 Auction catalogue of Artaria & Compagnie
Unique(?) poster advertising the auction sale of 1,300,000 Havana cigars, 1838
Large micrographic mizrah plaque by Levi(e) David van Gelder, ca. 1845
Pregnancy without Intercourse: rare Dutch edition of Lucina Sine Concubitu, 1785
A rare counterfeit edition of a fireworks manual by Amédée-François Frézier
Lovely copy of Genera plantarum by Carl Linnaeus. With 2 plates and a table
Rhyming Dick and the Strolling Player: a lovely chapbook, ca. 1805
A 1784 defense of animal magnetisme
The life of a deaf-mute, with an image of a manual alphabet, 1855
A 1598 edition of Lemnius's Secrect miracle of nature
Enlarged edition of a fireworks manual by Amédée-François Frézier
Atheistic utopian novel by Simon Tyssot de Patot, banned upon publication
Louis Betrand's awarded essay on suicide, 1857
Medical dissertation on drinking warm water, 1689
Memoirs of celebrated trapeze artist Jules Léotard, with lovely folding plate
An early 19th-century case of intersexuality, gender and sex, with 5 plates