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The rare first French edition of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
A folder with eight photo postcards of Sachsenhausen concentration camp
Roulette and Trente et Quarante at the Casino de Monte-Carlo, unrecorded edition
Collected poems by Jo Corsen, including poems in Papiamento
Unrecorded manual for playing roulette and trente-et-quarante
An early postcard album exposing Nazi atrocities in Poland
The extraordinary life of holocaust survivor Ans Samama, with ms. dedication
2nd copy located of the memoirs of a Dutch Holocaust survivor
A rare illustrated Yiddish textbook by Raphael Gutman
A rare allegorical print condemning homosexuality in the Dutch Republic
A 17th-century manuscript poem praising Dutch naval hero Maarten Tromp
Amsterdam municipality trying to prevent a gunpowder disaster, 1807
Manuscript in French outlawing Catholicism in the Dutch Republic in 1644
A referendum on the Dutch constitution of 1801
A 1752 manuscript budget for military expenses in the Dutch Republic
Marriage of Ludwig Gutmann and Rosette Pinkus: manuscript with 8 watercolours
Manuscript on a murderer and "denier of God" executed in 1766
German banknotes with the backs overprinted with antisemitic texts and images
Henderson’s white papers on Nazi Germany, antisemitism and concentration camps
Volume with 30 fiercely anti-Jewish caricatures from the Dreyfus era
Anti-Dreyfus publication with 22 caricatures
From Italy to Egypt and the Holy Land in 1877
Rare satirical magazine edited by German artist Hansfritz Werner
With 6 hand-coloured plates with mounted pieces of fabric
Jacob Israël de Haan’s thesis; manuscript dedication to rabbi A.S. Onderwijzer
"Go and enjoy yourself!"—Sex tourism in Paris
A bookplate for the Robert A. Feer Collection of world fairs of North America.
Early British fantasy anthology edited by John Carnell
Rare broadside distributed in Amsterdam on the eve of the Batavian Revolution
Regulating the selling of beer in Amsterdam in 1731
Regulations concerning ice breaking barges and beer brewers
The burial of the dead in Amsterdam in 1789
14 broadsides on port health and maritime quarantine
A lovely illustrated socialist broadside calling for a revolution
Four American theatre posters on card, 1940s
A Sovjet anti-Nazi leaflet with a caricature of Hitler
A broadside on the trial of Johan van Oldenbarnevelt
Anti-Nazi leaflet scattered in the air by the allied forces
Speeches by war criminal Baldur von Schirach, with rare dust jacket
Martyr for the state: a manuscript poem extolling Van Oldenbarnevelt
This is Nazi brutality: an iconic war poster by Ben Shahn
Manuscript letter signed by the 2nd Earl of Middleton, 1702
DIY guide for making an explosive: Dutch resistance during WWII
With 4 lithographed plates with mounted pieces of fabric
The City Without Jews: Dutch edition of Bettauer’s novel satirizing antisemitism
Three rare early-18th-century broadsides on the Watergraafsmeer (Amsterdam)
Circus side show performers: Set of 10 postcards of dwarfs
Book of Common Prayer, from the library of Liverpool slave trader Moses Benson