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Unique(?) poster advertising the auction sale of 1,300,000 Havana cigars, 1838
€ 250,00
Extremely rare (unique?) poster advertising the auction sale of 1,300,000 Havana cigars in Amsterdam at the "Brakke Grond", November 27, 1838.
"De Brakke Grond" was originally an inn, located on the Nes, a street in central Amsterdam. Auctions were regularly held in the Inn from 1648 onwards and it played an important role in the sale of goods from the Dutch East and West Indies such as tobacco, tea, cofee and sugar.
In Amsterdam, anno 1838. J.G. Harmsen, A.M. Hofstee [...] Makelaars. Als lasthebbende van hunne Meesters, presenteeren, ten overstaan van den Deurwaarder B.D. Beets, aan den meestbiedenden te verkoopen: Eene Partij van Ca. 1,300,000 Havana Sigaren.
Amsterdam, I. Ellerman, 1838.
Physical Description
Broadside (46,5 x 27 cm).
Browned, two faint duty stamps ("Buitengewoon Zegel Noord Holland / 2[?] 1/2 C." and "Koninkrijk der Nederlanden / Buiten Gewoon te Zeggelen"), a small hole, two pinholes in the upper corners, otherwise in very good condition.
Cf. Willem Elias et al. Van Brakke Grond tot Vlaams Cultureel Centrum (Amsterdam, 1992).