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Cuthbertson's improved vacuum pump, with 2 plates
€ 950,00
German edition of Cuthbertson's Description of an improved air-pump, and an account of some experiments made with it (1787).
Most 18th-century vacuum pumps were constructed using cocks or valves. A common problem was that after a while they became 'leaky', allowing the exhausted air to return into the barrels.
To remedy this Cuthbertson invented a double-barreled pump "without either cocks or valves, and so contrived, that what is employed in their stead, has the advantage of both, without the inconveniences of either", as he stated in the original treatise.
In his preface the translator notes that be bought a vacuum pump directly from Guthbertson. The largest model was available for "330 Holländische Gulden", "ein Preiß welcher gegen die Smeatonschen, und Hurter und Haasischen Pumpen, bei ihrer wahren Güte beträchtlich geringer ist".
The first plate is a perspective view of the pump, and the second shows the individual parts.
John Cuthbertson (1743-1821) was a renowned English inventor and instrument maker, best remembered for building a huge electrostatic generator for Teylers Museum in Haarlem, The Netherlands.
Rare on the market.
John Cuthbertson & D.G.A. Suckow (trans.).
Beschreibung einer verbesserten Luftpumpe nebst einer Nachricht von verschiedenen mit selbiger gemachten Versuchen.
Mannheim, Hof- und Akad. Buchhandlung, 1788.
Physical Description
8vo (20 x 12,5 cm). 56 pp. With 2 folding engraved plates.Mordern wrappers. In very good condition.