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A rare esoteric work, proposing a utopian society, with 9 folding plates
€ 1.225,00
An intriguing esoteric work, proposing a utopian, harmonious society, ambitiously combining astrology, Christianity, mythology and sociology.
Divided into three parts and written in the form of questions and answers, it opens with a 40-page foreword by Swiss lawyer Henri Disdier (1816-1864). The first two parts are devoted to the interpretation of religious doctrines, in which Vaillant seeks to show that many Christian doctrines actually have a much older origin and have been interpreted wrongly.
The third and final part is perhaps the most ambitious: this includes the author’s vision of a future utopia, a “socionomie”. This socionomie is based on the Christian virtues faith, hope and love. The author strives for “synarchie” (the antonym of anarchy), which will result in human happiness, a harmony between earth and heaven, a fusion of human intelligence and divine spiritual light.
Jean Alexandre Vaillant (1804–1886) was an active Freemason, author, linguist and translator. Following an invitation by a high-ranking boyar in 1829 he worked as a French tutor in Bucharest. He modernized the Saint Sava School and supported the Wallachian Revolution of 1848. Vaillant authored several books relating to Wallachian language and culture, including Grammaire valaque à l'usage des Français (1836) and La Roumanie (1844).
Jean-Alexandre Vaillant.
Clef Magique de la fiction et du fait. Introduction à la Science Nouvelle.
Geneva; Brussels, Chez les principaux libraires; A. Lacroix, Verboeckhoven et Cie., 1861.
Physical Description
18,4 x 11,5 cm. XL,202, [2 blank] pp. With folding lithographed frontispiece and 9 (folding) plates with 16 numbered illustrations. Contemporary cloth-backed boards. Untrimmed.
Library ticket on spine, paste-down with masonic bookplate of the "Loge De Friesche Trouw". Binding worn, first quire slightly soiled, otherwise in good condition.
Caillet 10957 ("Ouvrage à peu près inconnu"); Bibliotheca Esoterica 5016 ("Ouvrage excessivement rare").