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A kabbalistic interpretation of dreams
€ 850,00
Extremely rare edition of this illustrated chapbook dictionary on the meaning of dreams.
The title-page promises “plus de Quatre Mille songes”, but Clef des songes actually lists about 1400 dream motifs in alphabetical order, illustrated with night-time scenes. It was a popular chapbook that appears to have been first published in the 1840’s, remaining in print throughout the 19th century with several title variations.
The present edition is described on the title-page as an augmented edition. It was printed by the Parisian printing office of Charles Marpon (1838-1890) and Ernest Flammarion, in the founding years of the famous French publishing house. Marpon and Flammarion began their collaboration in 1875 as booksellers, and started printing and publishing popular books from 1876.
Specialsing in popular literature, music and city plans, the Parisian publisher Le Bailly (1829-1887) issued several works on the supernatural as well as a dictionary of slang by the same author, Albert (or Halbert) d’Angers, probably a pseudonym.
Albert (or Halbert) d’Angers. L’Ancienne et la nouvelle Clef des Songes ou l’Art et les Moyens de faire toute interprétation cabalistique concernant les songes, visions, oracles rèves, apparitions, etc. Réimpression composée à l’aide de document les plus anciens et authentiques manuscrits égyptiens, grecs, arabes et persans, des célèbres Daniel, Apomaza, Artémidore, Ricetti, Jérome Cardan, Nostradamus; et pour la partie moderne: Jean Engelbrecht, Cagliostro, Thaet, etc. Augmenté de plus de Quatre Mille songes non mentionnés dans les éditions qui ont paru jusqu’à ce jour; suivi de l’Enchyridion du Pape Léon III, dédié au roi Charlemagne, en l’an 800. Orné de trente gravures allégoriques.
Paris, Le Bailly (colophon: Imp. G. Marpon et F. Flammarion), [1876-1887].
Physical Description
15 x 9,5 cm. 104 pp. With folding woodcut frontispiece, title-page with a woodcut of a key, and 34 allegorical wood-engravings in the text. Self wrappers, side-stitched. In fair condition. The frontispiece with a tear at the fold, and the edges slightly damaged, paper browned, last leaves dog-eared.
WorldCat lists one copy only with a similar collation (held at the Rutgers University). Cf. Caillet 143 (Bailly 1897 edition); WorldCat (1 copy only).