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A folder with eight photo postcards of Sachsenhausen concentration camp
2nd copy located of the memoirs of a Dutch Holocaust survivor
The extraordinary life of holocaust survivor Ans Samama, with ms. dedication
An early postcard album exposing Nazi atrocities in Poland
German banknotes with the backs overprinted with antisemitic texts and images
Marriage of Ludwig Gutmann and Rosette Pinkus: manuscript with 8 watercolours
Henderson’s white papers on Nazi Germany, antisemitism and concentration camps
Jacob Israël de Haan’s thesis; manuscript dedication to rabbi A.S. Onderwijzer
Rare broadside distributed in Amsterdam on the eve of the Batavian Revolution
A bookplate for the Robert A. Feer Collection of world fairs of North America.
This is Nazi brutality: an iconic war poster by Ben Shahn
The City Without Jews: Dutch edition of Bettauer’s novel satirizing antisemitism
German edition of a novel countering antisemitic prejudices
A Yiddish children's book by Semen Grigo'revich Frug
Illustrated Yiddish socialist school book by Deborah Tarant
A rare illustrated Yiddish textbook by Raphael Gutman
Yiddish poem illustrated by one of the great American artists of modern times
The Vilna Troupe, a Yiddish-speaking international theater company
Two anti-Semitic satires, from the library of Jewish singer Helge Domp
Large micrographic mizrah plaque by Levi(e) David van Gelder, ca. 1845