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Collected poems by Jo Corsen, including poems in Papiamento
A 17th-century manuscript poem praising Dutch naval hero Maarten Tromp
Early British fantasy anthology edited by John Carnell
With 6 hand-coloured plates with mounted pieces of fabric
Four American theatre posters on card, 1940s
With 4 lithographed plates with mounted pieces of fabric
Martyr for the state: a manuscript poem extolling Van Oldenbarnevelt
The City Without Jews: Dutch edition of Bettauer’s novel satirizing antisemitism
A young girl's adventures in decadent Paris, illustrated with photographs
A Yiddish children's book by Semen Grigo'revich Frug
Yiddish poem illustrated by one of the great American artists of modern times
Education of a doll, with 5 plates in original printed boards
Limited edition of Goethe's West-Östlicher Divan, edited by Katharina Mommsen
Atheistic utopian novel by Simon Tyssot de Patot, banned upon publication
"I conquered pain through laughter and playfulness". Scarron in 7 volumes
Banned erotic stories, with 8 plates, possibly by Romeyn de Hooghe