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A folder with eight photo postcards of Sachsenhausen concentration camp
2nd copy located of the memoirs of a Dutch Holocaust survivor
The extraordinary life of holocaust survivor Ans Samama, with ms. dedication
An early postcard album exposing Nazi atrocities in Poland
Marriage of Ludwig Gutmann and Rosette Pinkus: manuscript with 8 watercolours
Henderson’s white papers on Nazi Germany, antisemitism and concentration camps
German banknotes with the backs overprinted with antisemitic texts and images
Jacob Israël de Haan’s thesis; manuscript dedication to rabbi A.S. Onderwijzer
Rare broadside distributed in Amsterdam on the eve of the Batavian Revolution
A bookplate for the Robert A. Feer Collection of world fairs of North America.
This is Nazi brutality: an iconic war poster by Ben Shahn
The City Without Jews: Dutch edition of Bettauer’s novel satirizing antisemitism
German edition of a novel countering antisemitic prejudices
A Yiddish children's book by Semen Grigo'revich Frug
Illustrated Yiddish socialist school book by Deborah Tarant
A rare illustrated Yiddish textbook by Raphael Gutman
Yiddish poem illustrated by one of the great American artists of modern times
Two anti-Semitic satires, from the library of Jewish singer Helge Domp
The Vilna Troupe, a Yiddish-speaking international theater company
Large micrographic mizrah plaque by Levi(e) David van Gelder, ca. 1845