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Satirical broadside on boozing
German edition of a novel countering antisemitic prejudices
A young girl's adventures in decadent Paris, illustrated with photographs
A rare pop-up book showing animals in the wild and in a zoo
The Burial of the Dead, 1742
A Yiddish children's book by Semen Grigo'revich Frug
Famous account detailing experiences in concentration camp Oranienburg
A miniature artist's book by the Ecart Group
Unrecorded concertina booklet showing Dieter Roth at work
Fixed prices for coffins in 1769: Unrecorded ordinance
Illustrated Yiddish socialist school book by Deborah Tarant
A rare illustrated Yiddish textbook by Raphael Gutman
Yiddish poem illustrated by one of the great American artists of modern times
Photographic portrait of Chinese physician Liu Noni, 1861
Portrait of Japanese diplomat Matsuki Koan, made during a mission to Europe
Het boksen by P.M.C. Toepoel—a boxing manual that influenced Louis Couperus
A concise Dutch boxing manual in wonderful art nouveau design
A case of sirenomelia, or mermaid syndrome, with a folding plate
Meggendorfer's celebrated circus pop-up book, one of his finest creations
Two anti-Semitic satires, from the library of Jewish singer Helge Domp
A rare esoteric work, proposing a utopian society, with 9 folding plates
Broadside with the schedule of a "beurtvaart" between Amsterdam and Den Helder
Education of a doll, with 5 plates in original printed boards
Mathematical textbook with chapters on map making, fortification, building dykes